Help a Student Succeed While Learning at Home This Year!
It’s hard to be a student during a pandemic who only sees their teachers and classmates on a screen. You can help make a tough year better for our community’s students and teachers.
Three Powerful Ways You Can Help Today:
1. Help a student get
and stay connected |
2. Ensure a student gets
the extra help they need |
3. Help a student
learn to read this year |
A student misses out on critical learning and interaction with her teachers and classmates when unreliable internet prevents her from getting online to attend classes.
YOUR $100 GIFT will provide a wifi setup and the first month of internet for a student; an additional $15 will provide tech support for her and her family. |
It can feel impossible to catch up for a student who has fallen behind in school. Online classes work for some students, but many students struggle and will fall further behind.
YOUR $200 GIFT will send a struggling student to two weeks of summer school so they can catch up and start the next school year ready to learn. Or...Support Where
It's Needed Most |
When a student doesn’t have books to read at home - items usually available in the classroom - it’s hard for him to build literacy skills and keep up with her peers.
YOUR $25 GIFT will buy read-aloud, chapter and young adult at-home books for a student to read and enjoy with his family. |